The Cypress Health Region has recently seen a spike in noroviruses throughout the southwest.

Norovirus is an infection of the intestinal system, and is known to spread quickly.

Medical Health Officer for the Cypress Health Region, Dr. David Torr spoke about the best way to avoid getting the norovirus.

"Hand hygiene or hand-wash. Interestingly things like hand sanitizers don't actually kill norovirus, they kill a lot of other bacteria and viruses, but norovirus is more resilient. What is best protection (against norovirus) is a hand-wash with soap and water, a good through hand wash," he said Friday.

He also went onto added when you should be washing your hands to limit the chances of contracting the virus.

"Especially after using the washroom, before eating meals, especially before touching foods you're going to eat. After touching surfaces and handshakes, it's about being meticulous and doing thorough and frequent hand-wash. That is a good preventive measure for it," Dr. David Torr told SwiftCurrentOnline.

Noroviruses most common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Other possible symptoms of the illness include body aches, fever, and headaches.

Most people with norovirus will feel better within 24 to 72 hours. The health region is asking anyone who has contracted the illness to stay clear of any Cypress Health Region facility until being symptom free for at least 48 hours.