The Province will be meeting with Patron groups for the first ten pastures to be transferred over from the Federal Governments old PFRA program.

The Ministry of Agriculture has made mention that the province does not have the capacity to run the pastures and wants to see patron groups have control.

"We want them going as a block, if they're sold everything is going to be sold at market value," said Wally Hoehn with the Saskatchewan Lands Branch for the Ministry of Agriculture, "any of the native land in any of these pastures, if it is sold it will only be sold with a conservation easement attached to it that will stop any further clearing or breaking of the land."

Over the next few weeks the department staff will be working with patrons groups on what they need to do going forward, and dispelling any rumors about the land already being sold.

"Despite everything that you might read or might be suggested out there, the first deals that will be struck will be to do with the ten pastures that were announced a couple weeks ago, there is no deals with anybody else at this point." Hoehn added.

While the department has seen a lot of interest from others in the pastures, their priority is to see it in the hands of the patrons who have been using the pastures.