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Following a successful initiative kick off at the Sky Center, the SwiftLink Committee is on the way to bringing about community change.

Around 230 community members attended the kick off, with the hope of bringing about change by sponsoring a community in Bom Jardim, Brazil, which is vulnerable to drugs, violence, and the sex trade.

The first goal of the committee is to sponsor as many children in Bom Jardim as possible, and since the kick off, 60 children have been sponsored.

"We were so pleasantly surprised and excited about the fact that we had 60 young children that were sponsored that night, so we hope that number continues to grow," says Swift Link Committee Member, Val Choo-Foo. "We will have upcoming events and we'll be letting the community know so that people can come out and learn a little bit more about SwiftLink. We are hoping to sponsor several hundred children, 300 is the number that we have set out there right now, to see if we can get 300 children sponsored. Also what will happen is we will then target specific developmental projects so that we can improve their situation."

"There will also be opportunities where there will be community groups that will be flying down to Brazil and visiting the community of Bom Jardim. We'll get to meet and visit our new sponsored children, and also learn about their community and what exactly it is that they need," added Choo-Foo.

If you wish to sponsor a child, visit, or to join SwiftLink, contact Kevin Snyder at the East Side Church of God.