Stan and Helen Aitken get this weeks eagle applause for Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse...The Taste Of Tradition From The Heart Of Ranch Country. (Helen would have been in the picture too but she's enjoying a Vegas vacation)

Congratulations to long time Swift Current volunteers Stan & Helen Aitken on this weeks eagle applause. The Aitkens have been involved in the community for many years. They were nominated by Glenda Allan who says:

"They volunteer and give their time to a lot of community events.  Stan has been on the board of the Swift Current Ag and Ex for many years, Helen is out delivering meals on wheels in freezing cold temps so people can eat, they also help at the Bronco games, CCA Rodeo and more. They need a big pat on the back for their efforts in our community and deserve the eagle applause!

Good job Stan & Helen and thanks for this very deserving nomination Glenda Allan. The Aitkens and Glenda get gift cards from Schultz's Ranch Country Meats.