BIll Reil gets this weeks eagle applause for Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse. 

Bill was nominated by Tony Curti who said in his nomination: "I work at the Comp high school and prior to working there I have long heard about the stories of Mr.Bill Reil, the Comp Security Guard . The students love this guy. He has earned their respect over several years and has mentored and connected with countless students over the years. He is outside every morning rain, shine or -40 weather to meet and greet every student he can. He patiently opens the door for the students with a smiling face and a cheery "good morning" or "good afternoon".  He has left a positive impact on our students and our community as a whole. A great example of what makes this city great. Thanks Bill."

Thank you for the great nomination Tony and congratulations Bill. Both Bill & Tony get gift cards from Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse...The Taste Of Tradition From The Heart Of Ranch Country.