Tim Bugera has been on Swift Current City Council for six years

Veteran councillor Tim Bugera is looking for another term on Swift Current City Council in next month's civic elections.

Bugera was first elected in 2006 and was on council with mayors Sandy Larson and Jerrod Schafer.

"I've been in two terms on City Council, and both terms, I've been fortunate to work with mayors and councils that have been proactive and the forward-thinking type to move the community forward," Bugera said.

Full interview with Tim Bugera

Over his two terms on council, Bugera has worked with the local Drug Task Force to bring in an RCMP School Liason Officer, an idea which will become a reality after the officer begins her duties on October 1st.

"We worked hard as a group to bring the right information to council, so that the rest of my colleagues on council at budget time had the information there to make the decision, and of course, the decision was made to go ahead and do the project," he added.

Bugera says if re-elected, he will continue to work with youth and allow them to have more input in how the community is built.

"Then they feel they have a vested interest, so when they maybe leave to go to university or whatever, they always have that thought, 'I'm going to come back to Swift Current because I have a vested interest in that community. I helped build that community.'"

Bugera is one of the six incumbent councillors seeking re-election on October 24th, with five newcomers also on the ballot.