Those new to Canada and those who are well-established here were able to mix and mingle last night.

The Living Sky Casino Events Centre was packed as business leaders, employers, and immigrants filled out the dining tables. 

They were brought together by the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre, which sought to enable their members to experience the community, and to build on connections in an open social setting. 

Directing the flow of the night was Deanna Baje, executive director of the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre. She was happy to see the 40 or so business leaders mixing and meeting with the 100 newcomers in attendance. 

​   Deanna Baje, executive director for the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre.​  Deanna Baje, executive director for the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre.

"It's a networking event for our employers here in the region as well as our immigrants," said Baje. "Who may be seeking their careers and their employment goals. This is an avenue for them to share their stories about each other's uniqueness, individuality, and why they should be hired or are hiring."

While it was certainly a great opportunity to connect and build working relationships, it was also a fantastic evening for all the newcomers to socialize and experience the culture of southwest Saskatchewan. 

"It would be good for immigrants to know that so that they can adapt well and manage themselves and present themselves better," said Baje. "To give them the opportunity that they really deserve."

Many of these individuals are highly qualified in their career paths back home. Now that they are in Canada, things don't always line up the same as they did before. By enabling them to adapt to the new social structures, and to learn about how their fields operate within the southwest, they can better implement their knowledge to their advantage. 

Throughout the evening, the newcomers were able to rotate around the various tables, mixing with the different guests and businesses. This broadened the variety and exposure they had to the various guests. 

This was the seventh annual Career Expo. For those who didn't attend and haven't attended one previously, Baje hopes the advantages offered by the evening draw them in next year. 

"It's not an event where you would be handing out your resumes," clarified Baje. "It's not the usual career fair where there would be booths and you would be lining up for organizations or companies. It's an event where you meet new people and possibly make new friends."