The Chinook School Division is gearing up for another school year, and the official opening of Ecole Centennial School.

Due to the opening of the new school, start dates will look a little different this year. Director of Education Liam Choo-Foo explains.

"Because it's a new process, we're bringing students together from all over the city who have not been necessarily schoolmates before, we're staggering the registration. On one day, we're bringing in half of the grades, and the next day, we're bringing in the other half of the grades to get them familiar with the school, with the new surroundings, what the new procedures will be.  On the third day, we will have all of the students there together."

Choo-Foo also adds that changes will be on the way throughout the course of the year surrounding Irwin and Central School.

"This year, Central will be kindergarten to grade six, and then at the end of this year  it will be kindergarten to grade seven, making its way to a kindergarten to grade eight school. Ashley Park students will go to Irwin, which will be a kindergarten to grade eight school."

Letters regarding bus locations and times have been sent out this week.

If you have not received your letter, please call the Chinook School Division Transportation Department or go to