It was a chance to check in on how the local School Division had performed during the 2007-2008 school year.

     The Chinook School Division held their Annual General Meeting last night.

     Among the items presented to those in attendence was a surplus for the year to the extent of just over $173,000.

     Secretary-Treasurer for the Chinook School Division, Rod Quintin said the increase in the taxable assessment was the primary factor that put them ahead.  That comes from the activity in the oil and gas sector, where they are drilling new wells in the countryside.  When they come online, the assessment becomes taxable for the Division.

     Quintin adds, when it came to expenses during the year, salaries and a number of capital projects remained the biggest drains on their revenue streams.

     Another report was from the Director of Education, Liam Choo-Foo who explained the Division's committment to improving literacy in all of their schools.  He says that will remain their focus going ahead in the near future. 

     One of the issues that was presented after the financial statements and reports from the Board and Director were read was why there was no mention of school closures in the reports.  Choo-Foo said the closures didn't pertain to the 07/08 report.  When the Board received the request from the Premier to give schools and the government a year to talk about the new legislative changes, the Board honoured the request, and Choo-Foo says there was really nothing to do with school closures in the 07/08 year.

     Other questions were also presented throughout the night pertaining to school closures and discontinued grades, including what savings were being experienced.