Excitement was in the air in Swift Current as music lovers flocked to Frontier Days for a night of sensational country music.

Taking center stage were Kalsey Kulyk and her husband Eric Ethridge, who captivated the audience with their enchanting melodies and heartfelt lyrics. 

Initially stepping in as a last-minute replacement for Meghan Patrick, Kulyk and Ethridge arrived with their guitars, prepared to treat the audience to a set of acoustic songs and their own released tracks from recent years.  

“These are my favourite types of shows to play,” Ethridge added. “I mean the energy at fairs, it's the last night of the fair so people are all fired up and ready to party, it’s Saturday night and it’s Canada Day.” 

The duo promised an enjoyable and entertaining show, eager to join in the festivities and create an unforgettable experience for everyone in attendance. 

For Kulyk, the concert held a special significance as she originates from Hudson Bay and was originally scheduled to perform at Frontier Days in 2020. 

“I was supposed to actually play this stage in 2020, but obviously the pandemic happened,” she elaborated. “So, I'm really happy that I was able to come and play it this year and I'm originally from Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan. So, it's always nice coming back home, I always feel at home in Saskatchewan. 

Before the show, the couple took photos and signed autographs for a handful of lucky VIP winners. 

Those select individuals also got to enjoy the show in front-row seats and were treated to a delicious meal courtesy of Harvest Eatery and Chef Garrett Thienes. 

Burger and chipsHarvest Eatery prepared an incredible meal for the VIP's.

Amidst the whirlwind of last-minute preparations and the joy of returning to Saskatchewan, Kulyk and Ethridge embraced the energy and enthusiasm of the fair atmosphere.  

The couple drove all the way from Edmonton the night before the concert to step in for Meghan Patrick.