If you are planning on attending any number of Country Thunder events in 2018, there is a new bag policy that they are implementing this coming summer. There are a few big changes to the policy this year that they will be enforcing tightly.

We had a chance to speak to the director of marketing Gerry Krochak and he spoke on the new policy. Gerry spoke to us, saying that if you want to bring a larger bag it needs to be within the dimensions of 14" x 17" x 8" and clear in colour. Purses will still be allowed for women he said and men can bring in handbags as well; however, everything is subject to security checks. The main thing that they would like to keep out of the main bowl areas, and mainstreet ( Craven) are large bagscamera bags and all coolers. 

For more information upcoming events and this bag policy go visit their website countrythunder.com