Darin Green gets this weeks eagle applause for Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse.

Darin was nominated by Melissa McBlain who says: "I would like to nominate Darin Green. He is a wonderful dad to two girls, both are in hockey, he helps out beside the coach, but does so much more. All parents are thankful for his patience and kindness with their children, he also helped his daughters hockey team with Hockey Day in Canada. (and it was cold out) He helps out both kids hockey teams as well as Baseball teams. He strives to be the best dad there is and he proves it every day. He is so patient and explains thoroughly to each child, he does not single anyone out! He volunteers all his time with these sports. He impacts so many!  I think that he deserves a pat on the back, a thank you, and an eagle applause!"

Congratulations Darin and thanks for the nomination Melissa, who both get gift cards from Schultz's Ranch Country Meats...the taset of tradition from the heart of ranch country.