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Photo by Leanne Ebner

The fire ban for the City of Swift Current has been lifted.

Swift Current's fire chief, Denis Pilon made the announcement this morning.

"Based on the rain that fell on Friday, we've seen some greening of the lawns, so it has had positive effect. We feel that the risk, although it's still high, it's not as extreme as it was," Chief Pilon said.  

Chief Pilon reminds residents that a permit is required to have a fire pit in the Swift Current, adding it's important to have a garden hose nearby for safety, and that the pit needs to be clear of trees and buildings.

"There's still some dry grass out there and the trees are not as wet as we would like them to be. Obviously, dry areas along fences and stuff like that, people have to be aware of. For the most part, grasses and the lawns have really changed colour. Just over the weekend, you can really see the difference," he said.

Chief Pilon add that fireworks are not allowed in the City.