Tomorrow, be sure to bring out your broken vacuums, blenders, drills, clocks, screens, speakers, phones, and more for the return of the Repair Cafe in Swift Current.

The bi-annual event is held in the Palliser Pavillion in Kinetic Park. They offer to fix, repair and repurpose things for free as long as they know how and have the means to do so.

Courtney Stewart, one of the co-organizers for the Repair Cafe, has been helping organize this refurbishment bonanza since 2019. For her, the skills people bring to the room are what make it so special.

"We have a group of volunteers who will repair items for free, and there is a donation jar available," described Stewart. "The things that we can repair are electronics, small appliances, clothing, furniture, toys, stuffies, jewelry, computers, small engines, books, and for our spring event, we can also repair bikes and tricycles, kites, and we have a new category musical instruments."

During their last event, in the fall of 2022, they had a total of 83 different odds and ends repaired for people in Swift Current.

If anyone brings anything the volunteers don't have the parts or skills to repair on-site, they can also help folks find what they need to fix it themselves or direct them to a service or business that can help them.

"If you pull up with your whole vehicle and the engine's not working, we probably won't be able to help you out on Saturday," said Stewart. "But there haven't been many items that we've turned away."

Doors will open at 10 a.m. and close up at 4 p.m.