The creator of the Saskatchewan Flag Anthony Drake was in attendance of Swift Current City Council Tuesday to share his experiences touring the province.

Drake, now 74 years old, was a former teacher in Hodgeville when he sent in several designs for a provincial flag competition back in 1969, with one of his thirteen designs winning.

CKSW of Golden West Radio called Drake early one morning back in 1969 to request an interview with the designer of Saskatchewan's newest flag.

It was during this phone call Drake realized he had won.

Drake was presented with gifts from Mayor Jerrod Schafer on behalf of City Council.
The former teacher was recently contacted by Gail Hapanowicz who moved to Hodgeville three years ago from Calgary with her husband to convert the high school Drake used to teach at into an inn, and learned of its rich heritage.

Together, they've toured across the province sharing Drake's story, including personal time with Premier Brad Wall and Lieutenant Governor Vaughn Schofield in Regina. Stops have also included Cabri, Swift Current, Herbert, Assiniboia, Gravelbourg Moose Jaw, Saskatoon.

Drake will be flying back to England May 31st.

The designer spoke to Swift Current Cadets last week, part of his first ever flag raising ceremony.