A local man is coming to the aide of the Swift Current Senior Citizens Activity Centre through online crowd funding.

The centre is seeking financial assistance in order to keep their facility from shutting its doors. Monthly expenses range between $800-$1000 per month at their location on Central Avenue North where 25-30 seniors enjoy conversation, card games and other activities.

Chris Martens set up a fundraising campaign on the Go Fund Me website to help the struggling seniors centre.

"It hit a chord like it just didn't seem right," he said. "Your eliminate that and you eliminate any of the places that seniors can go and be themselves, so I started a Go Fund Me Page."

So far, over $900 has been raised on the Go Fund Me page, entitled Help Keep the Seniors Center Open. The goal is to raise $10 thousand by July 13.

"If you can, donate. Whatever amount, it doesn't matter if it's big or small, the whole point behind it is to make sure they have a place to go. And to make sure, down the road, when we become seniors and your parents, aunts, uncles family members and friends- when they all get to that age, they can find a place like the Senior Citizens Activity Centre and not have to wonder if there's anything for them to do "