The first of many meals in the field have been delivered over the last couple days. I've been on the past two suppers to the Shaunavon area and I just want to say Thanks! Thanks to Jim Lester & Paige Girodat, as well as their friends & family, for inviting us down to share a meal with them.  If you don't know this about me, I love meeting new people and learning new things.  With harvest upon us, for some in full swing, I've been witness to pea crops, and how the combines work.  Yes I realize that might sound big city, but its something I'm happy to learn and get my hands dirty.  I have a 'redneck' soul some might say, which is why I'm so happy to be a part of the Grain Rush and back here on CMR.

Jeff Peterson Farm - Grain Rush - Climax

There is still time to get into the Grain Rush Action, get your name into a draw barrel at a participating location and maybe I'll be joining you and your family for a Kurt's KFC Chicken Dinner.

Thanks for checking out the CMR Blog, I'll do my best to keep it updated!