Another Seed N Feed winner has just been greeted with a sizeable dinner, looking to feed a crew of ten. 

Just east of Hodgeville, Carmen and Jeff Watson’s farm was delivered food from the K Motel & Restaurant. The meal of the day was a beautiful roast beef dinner, with vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy. 

Carmen Watson was happy to receive the free meal in perfect weather. 

“The original farm is a century farm, and this is an extension of it,” explained Watson. “We're rained out at the moment. It's too wet, so it was perfect timing that we had a break so that everybody could be here to have a nice lunch together.” 

A hired man on the Watson farm said that it was his wife that entered the crew in to win. 

“Pretty happy with lunch and I didn't have to cook it, so that's such a nice break,” said Watson.