Every office has one... a "workplace superstar". The unsung hero who always goes above and beyond to help things run smoothly or keeps everyone happy at work. If you know one, we're giving you a chance to give them some recognition for their efforts and treat them to lunch, too!

We're teaming up with Original Joe's in Swift Current to honor all of the workplace superstars in the southwest. We're asking you to nominate a co-worker who you think is a superstar at the office, and every Friday, we will share their story on the Magic Morning Show, give them bragging rights as the workplace superstar of the week, and reward them with a $25 gift certificate from Original Joe's. Plus, every few weeks we will make a draw among those who send in nominations for another $25 OJ's gift certificate!

Watch Swift Current Online for the "Workplace Superstar" page for your chance to send in your nomination, but in the meantime, you can tell us about you workplace superstars by calling us at 306-773-0971, emailing us at magic97@goldenwestradio.com, or reaching out to us on social media!

We will announce our first Original Joe's Workplace Superstar next Friday, so send in those nominations now!