The Swift Current Indians continue the celebration after winning another WMBL title Friday night.


The Indians have wrapped up another season as the players go their seperate ways - most are headed south back to College for the school year.

The Indians weekend-long celebration concluded last night with the annual awards banquet.

The team awarded pitcher Brandon Rupp with the Playoff MVP trophy.  Rupp was 3-0 in the playoffs on the mound as was virtually untouchable in the post-season.  He only allowed one run in three starts to help the Tribe go 9-1 in the post-season.

Joe Carnahan was named the regular season MVP.  Conrad Funk, who hit the game-winning home-run in game three Friday night in Lethbridge, was named the the Fan's Choice. 

Ryan Flanigan was named top pitcher.  He was undfeated in the regular season.  Dustin Joneswon Most Inspirational Player and Shane Baum was this year's Rookie of the Year.   Teammate of the year and Most Improved went to Colin Olfert.

The season will go down as one of the team's best ever.  In the regular season and the playoffs combined the Indians were 36-10.