Thursday January 27th
International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today in History

The Winnipeg, Manitoba, coroner called for a  investigation into patent medicines following the death of a seven-year-old boy who swallowed tablets which contained strychnine. At the time, patent medicines containing opium, cocaine, heroin, strychnine and alcohol were readily available over the counter in most drug stores. Although the Opium Act of 1908 attempted to curb the use of narcotics, it was another 10 years before the public began to realise the dangers of these medicines.

Manitoba the first province to grant women the vote and full political equality; two years before Ottawa.

According to new sugar rationing controls, sugar bowls were to be removed from tables in all restaurants, hotels, boarding houses, and institutions across the country. Sugar was to be served only by request and in reasonable quantities, generally understood to mean two lumps.

Through cooperation between the U.S. and Canadian governments, six American diplomats secretly escape hostilities in Iran in the culmination of the Canadian caper.
In May 2007, it was announced that George Clooney and Grant Heslov would base their next script together on the Canadian Caper.

Western Union discontinues its Telegram and Commercial Messaging services.

National news headlines: Social Security will run at a deficit this year and keep on running in the red until its trust funds are drained by about 2037, congressional budget experts said Wednesday in bleaker-than-previous estimates.

Very similar here in Canada. You kids start saving! Social Security will be strained by the growing number of baby boomers retiring and applying for benefits.


-43- Tracy Lawrence born in Atlanta, Texas. The deep-voiced singer notches a string of 1990s hits that features "Sticks And Stones," "Time Marches On" and "Alibis," extending his string intermittently into the next decade