Kevin Patenaude has been a dedicated volunteer and driving force behind Kidsport in Swift Current for many years. The local charity raises thousands of dollars every year to allow kids to participate in sports., some who without it, would not be able to participate. He's also actively involved as a volunteer with Swift Current Minor Ball and for that he gets this weeks eagle applause for Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse. 

Kevin says: "It's about kids and development and giving them a chance to play and do what they want to do. With Kidsport it gives kids a chance to learn and be good teammates and have something to do and just very positive in alot of different ways. With Kidsport we need to raise over $45,000 a year to help kids in just Swift Current & area here. It's a big demand and it would be very sad to see those dollars not being spent and those kids not playing sports." 

Good job Kevin and thanks for your dedication to helping make sure all kids can play and volunteering with minor ball as well. 

Kevin gets a gift card from Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse for getting this weeks eagle applause.