Larry Carleton (L) and Brent Watson (R) are two of the lead organizers of the Ride For Dad in Swift Current

Happy to hook up Larry Carleton with this weeks eagle applause for Schultz's Ranch Country Meats. Larry has been an organizer of and dedicated volunteer for the Ride For Dad every year in Swift Current. "I've been on board since the inception of it in 2013 and it's just grown really well. We've been so appreciative of the generosity of Swift Current and area and I'd like to include the whole district. I think we've done some really good work in just promoting awareness and some of the research for prostate cancer."

Larry is also quick to recognize all of the other many volunteers who work tirelessly for the Ride For dad every year, as well as the tremendous support of the sponsors and people and communities in the area. The Ride For Dad is a motorcycle rally that's held every year in communities across Canada including Swift Current to raise funds and promote awareness in the fight against prostate cancer.

Congratulations Larry and thanks for all you do. For being this weeks eagle applause, he gets a gift card from Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse...The Taste of Tradition From The Heart of Ranch Country.