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Mitch Dorge was in studio this morning chatting with Magic 97 Morning Show Host Candace Woodside about the In Your Face and Interactive Presentations.

Mitch Dorge of the Juno Award winning Crash Test Dummies is touring Swift Current schools this week.

Partnered with the Cooperators since 2007, Dorge's In Your Face and Interactive presentation provides an alternative perspective on important decisions, beginning with youth empowerment.

"Students are way smarter than we give them credit it for. They have access to all the information, whether that be through the internet or through their friends. Very often, I believe anyway from what I'm seeing, you go into a school and kids are being asked 'what are you going to do that's going to be successful?', and very rarely do you ever hear 'well, what do you want to do?'" Dorge explains. "We don't ask them that. We ask them what's going to be successful."

"We keep them in that place, and again I don't want to get into a conspiracy theory, but we keep them there by giving them lots of gadgets to play with and lots of things to want," Dorge adds. "They say if you want lots of things, we're going to get you in debt early in life so you're going to have to do whatever you have to do in order to pay for this stuff, and I'm asking them to take a step back and say 'What do I want in life? What would really make me happy?'"

Tomorrow, Dorge will be visiting Ecole Centennial and Maverick Schools, with SCCHS on Friday.