This week's Original Joe's Workplace Superstar is Nicole Vance, who works at Cypress Regional Hospital in Swift Current.

Her co-worker, Joanne Baker, sent in the nomination and shared this story about her:

"Nicole has taken on a much larger role in the last month and has been doing wonderful. She has not forgot us "little ones" from where she was located before. I don't think she realizes how much it means to all of us for the quick good morning and the drop ins before she goes home to tell us to have a good night. Nicole, I thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness. I speak for everyone when we say you're awesome, and we know you will do amazing things at any job you choose to do."

Nicole has won a $25 gift certificate from Original Joe's and bragging rights for a whole week as our Workplace Superstar, and Joanne is now in our next nominators' draw and she'll have a chance to win a $25 OJ's gift certificate of her own on December 3.

Nominate your co-worker for a chance to be our next Original Joe's Workplace Superstar on Swift Current Online!