You can help make someone's Christmas this year by putting together a shoe-box to be shipped to an underprivileged child.

Operation Christmas Child will have a table set up just outside of Safeway at the Swift Current Mall, and organizers encourage everyone to put together a shoe-box and drop it off this weekend.

Full Interview with Benita Letnes"When the Safeway closes at six that will be the end of our shoe boxes," said organizer Benita Letnes. "So we ask everyone to please, please try and get them in before Sunday. Then the shoe boxes from here go to Calgary to the processing centre and make sure it doesn't have anything in the shoe boxes that can't go through customs, so that's the next job, then the shoe boxes are on their way."

Letnes added they are positive this year they will reach their goal of 3000 boxes being shipped, and on top of that this year, this will likely mark the 100th million shoe-box to go in Operation Christmas Child worldwide.