
On April 24th and 25th you may want to watch that heavy foot as law enforcement across the province will be targetting speeding and aggressive driving in SGI's April Traffic Safety Blitz.

"So it's called Operation Spring Brake, and it's the province-wide blitz that is focusing on aggressive driving," said Kelley Brinkworth with SGI, "basically law enforcement across the province will be watching for things like speeding, driving too fast for road conditions, not stopping at stop signs, stunting, or passing on the right on the highway."

Brinkworth added why they felt the need to focus on these traffic violations specifically.

"Sometimes when road conditions improve, people might start taking more chances when they're driving, thinking they don't have to be as careful because it's not icy, so it's just a good opportunity to remind people to obey the rules of the road."

In 2012, aggressive driving contributed to more than 8200 collisions in Saskatchewan, resulting in 88 deaths and nearly 4200 injuries.

Operation Spring Brake runs in conjunction with a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) event occcuring in Saskatoon over the same time period, resulting in a concentrated effort in that area.

Last months traffic safety blitz, Operation Hang Up, Buckle Up focused on cellphone and seatbelt violations, and resulted in 282 tickets province wide.