Get your bowling balls and shoes out of storage for the upcoming SaskAbilities Ability Bowl returning this year on April 23rd and taking place at the Social Bowl.

This year's event is entitled "Agribowl" with a theme saluting the work of agricultural workers as Candace Toma, Community Relations Coordinator with SaskAbilities explains.

"It's really been wonderful to expand our rural and regional reach. We wanted to say that we know that there are lots of people there who are supporting SaskAbilities, who want to get involved and support individuals experiencing disability not just in Swift Current and area but really across the whole southwest."

Toma adds that the agricultural community is strong and everyone supports one another, which she says is similar to the environment at SaskAbilities.

In addition, Toma provides some details on the allocation of funds raised.

"Imparticular, it's more services and programs geared towards young people experiencing disability for programming like our Summer Fun program and also our Social Leisure Youth program. So those are the two big programs that we typically would earmark those fundraising dollars for."

These programs are unfunded so Toma says that the fundraising need is certainly there and it does make an impact in the lives of youth ages 16-22 living with disability in the south west. 

More details and a registration page can be found here 

It is recommended that people register with teams of five and registrants can begin fundraising online. 

There will also be prizes available for the top fundraisers this year. 

Registration packages can also be picked up at the Swift Current branch of SaskAbilities at 1551 North Railway St. West, Swift Current.

Space is limited as part of SaskAbilities’ safety planning for AgriBowl, and therefore early registration is encouraged.