The latest from the Swift Current is Riderville peeps:


Good Morning!

It is officially Riderville week in Swift Current and there are quite a few things going on this week:

Monday May 31
-Launch of our facebook contest...encourage your friends and family to join the Swift Current is Riderville group! On June 10th we will make a draw for two Rider prize packs! Everyone who is a member of this group on that day will be eligible to win.
-The downtown Tim Horton's will be making some green and white donuts this week! Be sure to go pick some up! Tim Horton's camp day is June 2nd so you can support that at the same time!

Tuesday June 1
-Wear green for the Riders day! This is the big day to dress up in Green and show your Rider pride!
-Living Sky Casino will be showing their Rider pride inside and out! Watch for some special green lights shining into the sky! Also, throughought the month of June they are running their Sideline experience promo. Swipe your player's club card to win a "Sideline Experience" package. This includes a pair of season tickets, personalized jerseys, a $500 gift card and a sideline experience.

Wednesday June 2
-Elmwood Golf Club's men's night will be Rider themed! Make sure you come dressed in your Rider gear! You do not need to be a member to come out and play. Shotgun at 4:30. Be warned that if you are not dressed in green you may be sorry:)

Friday June 4
-Standard Motors is celebrating their 100th Anniversary this year and will be hosting a Riderville BBQ to celebrate! Head down to Standard Motors between 11-1 to join in on the fun. Cost is only $2 and all proceeds go towards the Swift Current Minor Football League!

We want to hear what you are doing to show your Rider Pride this week! Please let us know by replying to this message, email me at or else give me a call at 778-5460.