Hot and dry conditions have led the Rural Municipality of Frontier to issue a fire ban.

"It's so dry down here, we've had several fires over this past summer," said RM Administrator Barb Webber. "We had seen that the RM of White Valley had done it, we thought it was an excellent idea, so we followed suit."

Full interview with Barb Webber

The ban prohibits open fires, controlled burns and garbage fires in barrels and pits, and Webber also calls for people to use common sense in staying away from activities with any fire risk during these dry conditions.

"Be fire smart... if there's tall grass and you've got a vehicle that you're driving in there, don't drive there. Drive on the roads instead, and stay away from the places you don't need to be," she added.

Webber says they've appreciated all the support they've had throughout the season when they've had to battle some tough grass fires during recent dry conditions.