The Town of Gull Lake has embarked on their street paving and repair project.

The project is done once every two years and, this year, a big part of the repairs will be the parking lot at the Gull Lake Recreation Complex.

Gull Lake Mayor, Blake Campbell, says, "It's aging. It's reached it's life expectancy. Given the fact that our rink parking lot is in such need of replacing, this year we decided to allocate a good portion of the street repairs to the repairing of the Recreation Complex parking lot."

The total cost to repair the facility's parking lot is $200,000.

A lot of other streets in the community will have repairs and repaving done, amounting to a cost of approximately $120,000.

The work will be done as follows: Lake Avenue and Main Street, Lake Avenue and fifth street, sixth street and Kings Avenue, seventh street and Rutland Avenue, Rutland Avenue fifth street to sixth street, fifth street and Conrad Avenue, Conrad Avenue (by Clarendon Hotel lot), Farm Avenue, Grey Street by the Health Centre, and Main Street Rutland to Proton.

Crews are working on the parking lot, as well as the other streets over the next week or two.