The Swift Current Salvation Army is well underway with their Christmas Campaign to help families in need in our community. Here is an update we received on the campaign by Salvation Army Major Don Grad:

Our Christmas Campaign fundraising total is currently at $87,911. (as of Sat. Dec. 9)

Hutterite Appreciation Day will be taking place on Tuesday, Dec. 12.  There will be a short 'thank you' program starting at 11:30 am, followed by a KFC lunch.  We anticipate a similar size crowd as last year, which was about 70.  We thank our sponsors/partners in this event of MNP, Pioneer Co-op, Scotiabank, and Pattison Agriculture.

The Holiday Train arrives this Sunday (Dec.17) at 12:15 pm.  The Salvation Army will be there with hot chocolate (no cost), and of course, the Holiday Train will provide wonderful entertainment.  We will also have a truck on location to receive any food donations as people might want to bring.

Hamper applications are now finished. This Friday (Dec.15), we will begin the hamper packing process.  The packing process proceeds smoothly because the volunteers have spent hundreds of hours sorting the food donations from the past two months.  For each hamper, there is a list of items, such as how many cans of soup, etc. go into each hamper. 

On Monday, Dec. 18, we begin the hamper distribution process.  Monday will be the distribution day for families.  We will pack hampers again on Tuesday, Dec.19, for distribution to couples and singles on Dec. 20.

The 'Adopt A Family' program has many sponsors this year.

The Miracle Room with Angel Tree continues at a good pace.  The last day to return items to the Miracle Room is Thursday, Dec. 14.  This provides time to sort the gifts for the hamper distribution on Monday, Dec. 18. As of Tuesday, we have 62 Angel Tags outstanding.

Our Christmas Kettles can always use volunteers to take a 2-hour shift.  Phone Dolores at 306-741-1714, or our office at 306-778-0515.

As we have mentioned in the past, our Christmas Campaign provides funds for us to operate year round.  On a regular basis, we work in partnership with and give support to many local agencies/ groups/ charities.  Our food hampers year-round touch people in various surrounding communities, as well as Swift Current residents.