Storm june 27 1
Ominous Skies (Photos: Darlene Dyck)

A hectic couple of days should turn into calm summer weather for the remainder of the week. Two large storm fronts went over Swift Current yesterday and dropped 21.6 mm on rain on us.

The second storm in the early evening caused power outages throughout the city that were mostly restored within a couple of hours.

There were also reports of funnel clouds in different parts of the southwest. It appears the storms have passed for now as Environment Canada is calling for sunshine from Thursday through Monday for the Frontier Days weekend.

Storm june 27 2
Storm june 27 3

storm june 27 4

Photo courtsey of Ron Resler

Storm june 27 5

Photo's courtsey of Linda Thompson of Antelope

Storm june 27 6

Storm june 27 7

Storm june 27 8

Storm june 27 9