The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan has put out a call for volunteers as their annual fundraising and awareness walk approaches. 

Swift Current is set to host the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's at the end of May this year at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School.

Revenue Development Coordinator for the charity, Amanda Baker, is the direct contact for individuals wanting to get involved in the event. 

"We do need a volunteer coordinator, sponsorship coordinator, logistics and hospitality coordinator, communications, and just regular committee members," she said. "We're really going to need those volunteers to make this walk a big success in Swift Current this year."

Orientation begins mid-February, so anyone considering lending a helping hand is encouraged to do so by the 2nd of the month. 

The roles require a time commitment of roughly one hour per week, increasing as the fundraising event gets closer. 

"Everyone will be touched by dementia," said Baker. "Whether a relative, a friend, a member of your community or yourself. We don't think anyone should have to face the disease alone. So, we're really hoping that some great volunteers will come out of Swift Current, and we can have a successful walk."

To get involved, contact Baker at (306) 949-3402, or go to the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan website