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People looking for the better life offered by living in Canada had no idea that one hundred years ago they would be uprooted and jailed for something happening over seas.

The War Measures Act was enacted in 1914 across Canada. Families That had immigrated to our province at the turn of the 19th century had been jailed just for being from eastern Europe. Ukrainians, and other people of slavic decent were thrown into hard labour camps as the First World War commenced.

The trifle within our country went on for 6 years and finally ended in 1920. That was just the first time this happened, history repeated itself in 16 years later when yet again, Europe would errupt in war.

Japanese internment camps would spring up across the nation as the Axis and Allies traded blows over seas.

The end of the World Wars would not be the last time the War Measures act would be used. In 1970 the FLQ kidnapped 2 politicians in what is known as the "October Crisis".

The invocation of the act took place at the same time as the widespread deployment of troops throughout Quebec and in Ottawa , under separate legislation, giving the appearance that martial law had been imposed, although the military remained in a support role to the civil authorities of Quebec.

The police were also enabled with far-reaching powers, and they arrested and detained, without bail, 497 individuals, all but 62 of whom were later released without charges.