Congratulations to Zakia Zanidean and Fatima Hattum, who get this weeks eagle applause for Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse.

The ladies were nominated by Zakia's niece Emella  Waiser, who said: I would like to nominate both these extraordinary women for the eagle applause! They baked over 300 loaves of Lebenese bread and made 165 fatayr (a savoury meat pie dish with dough, ground beef, onions, tomatoes, and spices) for the Islamic Centers bake sale held on April 6 and April 7. Without them the sale would have never been a success!

The bake sale and garage sale was a huge success raising close to $4,000, with proceeds going to the Muslim Association's mosque.  

Thanks for your hard work Zakia and Fatima and congratulations. The ladies, and Emella for nominating them, get gift cards from Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse...The Taste of Tradition From The Heart of Ranch Country.