

Students in the Chinook and Holy Trinity School Divisions are making their way back to the classrooms today after a two week break for the Christmas holiday and with that in mind, drivers are once again being reminded to watch out for children heading to and from school.

At this time of year, snow and ice on the roads can make things unsafe for drivers and students, but a warmer-than-normal winter has all but taken that out of the equation.

"We've had some unseasonably warm weather, but there is still ice on the roads," says CAA Saskatchewan's Lisa Wilson-Sturm. "It still is a little bit more dangerous driving in the winter time. I think we've been lulled into a state of security that we think we don't need to drive more carefully, but there is still snow, ice, and slush on the roads."

"Really it's just a matter of being more alert around schools, slowing down to the posted speed limits, and just being prepared to stop," Wilson-Sturm adds as a reminder to drivers going through school zones.

Some responsibility does rely on the parents of children making their way to and from school though. "Parents and guardians really need to do help ensure their kids know to stop and look both ways before crossing the street," Wilson-Sturm adds.

Colin Powers interview with CAA's Lisa Wilson-Sturm...