Warm temperatures can often cause extreme weather conditions. With a tornado warning already being issued for the southwest corner of the province in 2017, it's important to be prepared.

Thunderstorms can often be the cause of tornadoes. Warm and humid conditions combined with the strong erratic winds can cause the development of funnel clouds. Funnel clouds can turn into tornadoes but it does not happen every time.

Other indicators of a tornado include dark or green-coloured skies, large, dark, and low-lying clouds, large hail, or a loud roar that sounds similar to a freight train. If any or all of these conditions are present, take cover immediately and listen for weather updates.

The safest location is a low level floor or basement room with no windows. Get under a heavy table or workbench for added protection. Wrapping yourself up in a blanket sleeping bag, or mattress can protect from falling debris. Always keep your head covered and protected.

Mobile homes are not a safe location as they can easily be turned over by the winds. Find a building, preferably one with a basement. If no buildings are near by, find a ditch, ravine, or culvert. Lay flat while covering your head. Try to avoid areas with trees and cars because the winds can blow them around.

If you spot the tornado while driving, do not try to outrun it and do not get underneath the vehicle. Stay in the vehicle and cover your head.

An emergency preparedness kit can be used in such emergencies.