The Safe Ride app launched by SGI provides users with a list of nearby taxi companies and designated driving services

We'll be ringing in 2013 as the clock strikes midnight tonight, and once again, we're being reminded to celebrate responsibly and make sure we get home from our parties safely.

"The public will see another effort put forth out there by our members regarding impaired drivers," said Staff Sergeant Al MacDonnell with the Swift Current City RCMP Detachment. "So again, we would like to get that message out to please go out and have a good time on New Year's Eve but just make sure you have a plan in place to get home safely, and if you're drinking, please don't drive."

Whether you use a taxi, a designated driving service or a sober friend, that safe ride home tonight will be available at your fingertips after SGI launched their Safe Ride smartphone app this month.

"It does have functions that will help you keep track of your own designated drivers, or will bring up a list of cab companies or designated driving companies in your area, as well as bus routes," said Rebecca Schulz, Media Relations Manager for the Crown Insurer. "Impaired driving is still the number one contributing factor to fatal collisions on our roads and highways, and this is one way of making it much easier for people to plan a safe ride home."

You can get the Safe Ride app in the Apple App Store, Google Play and Blackberry App World.