CHR handwashing

Chelsea Girrior (left) and Karlene Panko of the Cypress Health Region's Public Health Inspection Team attend a display at Cypress Regional Hospital on Monday.

Today is "National Stop! Clean Your Hands Day", and the Cypress Health Region is using the day to promote proper hand hygiene.

"Hospital-acquired infections happen in a lot of hospitals, and it affects a lot of people's lives," said Public Health Inspector Karlene Panko. "It's one of our practices to ensure that people are washing their hands properly and thoroughly, and as often as needed."

The Health Region had displays set up today teaching visitors about how to properly clean their hands at Cypress Regional Hospital and the Herbert and District Integrated Health Facility.

"Our display actually shows where the germs end up on your hands, and how good they are at washing them off," Panko added. "It really helps you identify some of the problem areas, and it really gives you an understanding of how important it is to wash your hands thoroughly."

Public Health Inspectors also made visits to Oman School in Swift Current and the Herbert School to teach students about proper hand hygiene.

Colin Powers talked with Karlene Panko about National Stop! Clean Your Hands Day: