
It's been a quiet winter so far for city snow removal crews (File Photo)


A warmer than normal winter has led to lower activity for the City of Swift Current's snow removal program.

Although the plows were out when we had our first bit of snowfall earlier in the season, winter maintenance operations have been limited to sanding icy streets and waiting on standby for any potential swing in the weather.

"Crews have really been redirected dealing with street runoff. As well, potholes began as a result of this mild weather," says Director of Engineering, Mac Forster as they continue to wait for snowfall to hit again in the region.  "It's a situation that does occasionally happen during the winter months but not usually for such a long period of time."

But the warmer winter has helped in savings for the snow removal budget the last year after heavy snow in the first few months required extra spending. "We did exceed the budget for the 2011 year, mainly due to the intensity of the 2010-2011 budget. There were no reserves remaining, it just allowed us to save on clearing costs for 2011," Forster says.

Should snow removal come up under budget at the end of this year, the city's Finance Department will move any excess money to cover any overexpenditures.

Director of Engineering, Mac Forster...