
City of Swift Current and RM of Swift Current Councils


Relationships between the RM of Swift Current and the City took another step towards improvement recently, following a meeting back in December between both parties.

On the discussion table was the development of a platform to work together on providing a beneficial structure for residents in both municipalities.

Mayor Jerrod Schafer says it's encouraging to see both governments working on improving their relationship. "I think more than anything, I'm really pleased with the level of dialogue that's going on," say Mayor Schafer.

"Very open and honest dialogue and I think for the first time we have two councils working on and looking at the similarities rather than tending to focus on the differences and being protective of their own territories."

Among the areas he's seen the most progress made, Schafer points toward the water agreement and the changing boundaries of the city.

Continuing to improve the partnership between the City and the RM is something that has been an agreed upon priority between both councils.


Donovan Fehr's interview with Mayor Jerrod Schafer...