Rotary Park 1

Upgrades are on the way for the 30 year old water play system at Rotary Park.

“We're going to fourth north east and Cheadle to replace the Rotary Spray Park, it's a nice little park, it'll be about an $80,000 park for that neighbourhood and it will encompass about 5-6 different spray elements.” Said Swift Current Director of Recreation and Parks Dean Robson.

It's one of several upgrades the City of Swift Current is doing to spray parks over several years.

“The cost of running the outdoor pools and the operation and maintenance as well as the expectation of training and lifesaving and guarding, is a pretty good financial commitment” said Robson and adds that it's a cost effective way to stay cool, “So the spray parks are quite a bit cheaper to operate, they're fun, you come in a and out, you don't need supervision.”

The upgrades at Rotary Park will cost just over $80,000 and should be ready by July,

“With the way it's going right now with the weather I don't think we'll be able to use it til July 1st and that will co-inside with the date for completion which is July of this year. So hopefully by July of this year we'll be using it.”, adds Robinson

Dynamic Construction, the same company that oversaw work at Riverside Park, Highland Park and Fairview pool, is doing the upgrades at Rotary as well.

Colin Powers Talks To Swift Current Director Of Recreation and Parks Dean Robson