
They haven't had a representative in the legislature since 1999 but the Saskatchewan Liberal Party is making strides for the future in our province.

Greg Gallagher was appointed Interim Leader of the party last week.

He said it's going to be tough, but he wants to provide the province with another option for government.

“Very recently like on November Seventh the people of Saskatchewn told us in no uncertain terms they liked the government but none the less we live in a democracy and governments do get tired and out of touch and when that time comes and it will not be in the near fututre we have an obligation to be in a position to be the government.”

Gallagher adds that the plan is to rebuild, and bring the Liberal party back to life.

“I guess our task and really it is the task of every political party or they will meet the same fate we have, the task is to have people use us as the forum where by they can discuss and debate issues if that happens we will be a party of tomorrow not of yesterday.”

Gallagher adss more time will be allocated to the online recruitment of party supporters.

Gallagher will serve as provincial leader to rebuild and organize a leadership contest scheduled for 2013