Swift Current has been dealing with snow over the past couple of weeks, and some residents of the city are unhappy with the way it is being taken care of.

Complaints are being issued about snow removal in regards to the clearing of residential streets as well as sidewalk snow removal.

Bill, whose car was stuck in snow downtown before being interviewed, said that he hoped that tax dollars would be more readily used for snow removal.

"They (the City of Swift Current) want our money, but what are they spending it on? I hope they clean the streets, at least the main drags."

Neil said that the city was a little slow out of the gate, but seems to be doing better now.

"It's been a little hectic this week, but they just got it plowed last night (last Thursday), so."

Johnny said that residential streets often go neglected.

"There always needs to be more residential work."

Greg Parsons, is the director of engineering services and operations and addressed some of these issues.

In regards to the issue of snow removal in residential areas in Swift Current, Parsons said that this was due to snow removal on busier areas of the city taking priority.

"Well, we work off of basically the service roads and the main intersections, anything we can wing off with a grader kind of becomes the priority, and then we move into some of the main streets where (there is) access to the hospital, and some of the main arterials, and then we move into some of the collectors on the residential side."

An outline of the city's snow removal strategy by the importance of clearing needs can be found below.

Parsons also said that in regards to sidewalks, the city tries to clear those in front of city property, but it is up to homeowners and businesses to clear their own.

"The guys go out during our snow removal, not only for the streets, but they also make a priority to try to get to those sidewalks as well, and then any of the sidewalks where the business or the residence is, that's their responsibility."

Speaking on the comments from residents, Parsons said that while not all complaints are able to be solved when it comes to snow removal, they are reviewed and analyzed to see if they are applicable.

When asked about this year's budget for snow removal, Parsons said that due to a smaller amount of snow, 2018 was on track to finish under budget.

The City's snow and ice control budget for 2018 was approved at $417,950. As of the end of November, they'd spent $327,000 of that. December numbers won't be known until the new year.