People all over the world will now have an easier way to view a hidden gem right in our own backyard.

The Old Man on His Back ranch located in remote southwest Saskatchewan southeast of Robsart, is now available on Google Trekker.

The 13,000-acre bison ranch that's property of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), was photographed last summer by a panoramic camera during a hike led by one of the NCC's employees.

"We did try to hike through the highlight area's of the property," said Natural Area Manager for the Nature Conservancy of Canada Natalie Hassett. "We did a walk through the yard site including the bison handling facility, we went out to the dedication rock, as well as a bison rubbing rock."

The mixed grass prairie ranch was donated to the NCC by Peter and Sharon Butala in 1996, and since 2003 has been home to over 100 plains bison.

"It's really neat that people are able to access the property through computers any day of the week at their own home," Hassett said last Wednesday. "It really allows them to experience some of Canada's most natural areas, that some of them wouldn't be able to experience."

Hassett's trek is one of 18 that the NCC and Google partnered together for, allowing several of the NCC's natural areas to be accessible from Google Street View.

"It serves the purpose for people with accessibility issues," she told Swift Current Online. "It will allow them to experience some of the Nature Conservancy property's across Canada."

The Google Trekker backpack weights approximately 50 pounds and has a green orb the size of a basketball comprising of 15 different camera lens that each takes an image every 2.5 seconds.

A complete list of NCC sites including the Old Man on His Back ranch that have been trekked can be viewed at