A southwest Saskatchewan based charity group has made a $100,000 donation to the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority made the announcement on Wednesday confirming that Anluan Foundation made the six-digit gift to the Saskatchewan Hospital New Beginnings Fundraising Campaign bringing their total to $6.3 million raised so far.

Ted Hanlon, on behalf of his family's Anluan Foundation, says they're pleased to be a part of the project.

"Giving back to our communities is very important to our family and the new hospital will help so many people from all across our province," he said. "We feel it is critical to support mental health in Saskatchewan and knew we wanted to do it through a donation to the new hospital."

The Hanlon's, who homesteaded in southwest Saskatchewan will have the multipurpose conference room named in their honour.

The fundraising campaign target is $8 million for medical equipment and furnishings in the under-construction hospital.