This past weekend a man from the southwest resigned as president of a junior football club due to a racist post on Facebook.

The post was made at a Winnipeg Jets NHL game.

Icasiana de Gala is the executive director of the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre, and talked about how the sporting world can be a microcosm of society.

"Like any other activity within society, sport is not exempt from racism. But at the same time, you cannot truly say it's full of racism, but it's part of racism."

She added that it's important to look at things with a case-by-case basis, as she remembered a story of a player in the Filipino basketball league that yelled a racist comment towards his coach, although de Gala doesn't consider that player a racist.

In that case de Gala said there were other things at play with the player, and that you can't chalk every similar situation up as one where the person is a racist.