
Southwest Saskatchewan will be experiencing unseasonably high temperatures this weekend after getting a shot of winter earlier this week, something that has been unusual this year.

"If you look at all of the prairies, we're seeing this to be the second-warmest winter in 65 years," said David Phillips, Senior Climatologist with Environment Canada. "But besides that, it has also been, which is rather ominous, the driest on record."

But Phillips says the warm spell doesn't mean winter has come to an end. "We're seeing both the minimum and maximum temperatures are going to be a dozen or more degrees warmer than normal," he added "It's probably, though, a false spring, and too early to suggest that winter is over."

Phillips notes that when the cooler temperatures do return, we are likely to receive more precipatation as the Swift Current area usually gets over 30% of its snowfall after March 1st.

Full interview with David Phillips: