Twelve year-old Ty Andreas is growing and selling potatoes to save money for his future education. Ty says that his potato business started once he realized how expensive post secondary education is. When Ty grows up he wants to become a criminal lawyer.

Ty is six years away from graduating high school and his father, Chris Andreas says that his son has been worried about having enough money to attend University for some time now. Chris has farmed his entire life and believes that the farming background has molded Ty into a hard working person. Chris is proud of his son for taking initiative and says that even though Ty may not follow in his farming footsteps forever, he knows that Ty will be a success in whatever career path he chooses.

Ty knows that hard work and good customer service are key components in order to reach his summer goal of selling 1,500 lbs of potatoes. Ty is selling his potatoes for $1.00 per pound in five and ten pound bags.

Ty and his father will deliver Ty's potatoes and for those interested you can call or text (306) 741-3041 to place an order.